Research Support - Sample ML-based IVF Refund Program Cost Comparison
Sample MLCS model-enabled IVF Refund Program Cost Comparison
By using ML and a transparency-driven patient counseling and provider support system, we have been able to support providers in offering shared risk programs that qualify up to 80% of patients, resulting in a much larger impact on IVF utilization. In addition, ML enables providers to offer more equitable pricing that confers significant cost savings for patients while preserving profitability for fertility centers.
The ML-based IVF Refund Program Cost Comparison figure (to the right) illustrates how having an accurate and personalized IVF prediction model can inform IVF pricing to lower the cost of doing up to 3 IVF treatments to maximize IVF live birth outcomes. In essence, the term "shared risk" is simply value-based pricing for patients as consumers, whereas the term value-based pricing is used directly in the context of health plan or state-funded reimbursements.
An ML- and transparency-driven shared risk program can be offered to the majority of patients while enabling compliance with the transparency and patient-focused requirements outlined by the Ethics Committee of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM, Fertil Steril 2024;121(5):783-786. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2023.12.032. Epub 2024 Jan 25. PMID:38276940.)
ML = machine learning model. MLCS model = machine learning center-specific model.
Sample machine learning, center specific (MLCS) model-enabled IVF refund program (aka "shared risk") value-based pricing options can be offered by the fertility center to eligible patients. Eligibility is determined objectively by MLCS model with parameters reviewed and approved by the fertility center. Such a cost comparison chart would be shown to patients who have been counseled by their providers regarding their personalized IVF live birth probabilities from doing 1, 2, or up to 3 IVF treatments using the Univfy® PreIVF Report.
The pricing and cost savings shown are for illustration only and are in US currency, based on commonly encountered IVF fees in the US. The actual pricing is dependent on local fertility center’s fee schedule and ML-pricing analysis based on the MLCS IVF live birth prediction model.